Be a Language Buddy to Your Friends
Extend your Free Trial for up to 180 days
How it works?
Extend your free trial for up to 180 days when six different friends each enter a code AFTER downloading the app and giving consent for use of their email.
Each friend who does this gives you both an extra 30 days of free app use until you reach the maximum of 180 days.
Step 1
Enter the following information
Account ID
Located in the Account section (smiley face icon on the bottom menu) of the app.
You must use the same Contact email that you have used to subscribe to our newsletter in the app. You can update your Contact email in the Account section.
Great! Now continue to Step 2.
The server could not process your request for unknown reasons. We’re sorry, but the Account ID and Email combination is not correct. You have to input the contact email that you have filled in in the app. Missing Account ID or email. Too many attempts. Please try again later. The email address has invalid format.